As we move through summer, Chief Engineer Martin Gibbs continues his new work installing Christian radio stations, having recently completed projects in Idaho, California and Maine.  At the same time, he is working behind the scenes to help Christian Family Radio continue to operate well while we search for a replacement, which is difficult since these technical skills are in short supply.  Thankfully, we are working on a plan to meet the needs of this ministry as we continue our search.  We are so thankful for your continued prayers and financial support. 

As we continue through the spring, also pray for the operation of our equipment. Although we remain on the air and working well, some of our backup systems need attention and are in the process of being repaired and upgraded, including our backup power generator at KOLU. We appreciate your prayers for these and for the ongoing financial needs of the station. We also appreciate your prayers for a new Chief Operator at Christian Family Radio. Thank you so much for all you do for this ministry.

This time of year, we emphasize missions here at Christian Family Radio.  From our programming that includes Voice of the Martyrs, Send the Light, Moments for Missions and many others, to songs focused on reaching the lost, we are committed to spreading the Gospel message to as many as possible through this ministry.  Also remember that Christian Family Radio is a missionary that works 24-hours a day to bring the Gospel to those in our listening area and around the world through  Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and financial support of this ministry.

As spring approaches, we are thankful for our equipment operating reliably through the winter and are looking forward to special projects this year.  This ministry exists to declare the wonderful Gospel to a world that desperately needs it, and it’s through your prayers and sacrificial giving that we’ve been able to continue in this ministry, now in its 53rd year of operation.  We also appreciate your prayers for a new Chief Operator at Christian Family Radio.  Thank you so much for all you do for this ministry.

As we have mentioned, Martin Gibbs will be stepping down from his role as Chief Operator for Christian Family Radio in order to answers the Lord’s call in planning and construction of new church-operated radio stations across the nation.  However, he will continue in his support for the technical needs of this ministry.  We have been working to find a replacement that will be able to maintain day-to-day operations at Christian Family Radio and hope to have them on staff soon.  Please pray with us for this vital need and  thank you so much for all you do for this ministry.

As we enter another year of broadcasting for Christian Family Radio, we first want to thank you for your steadfast prayers and financial support that keeps us on the air.  Maintaining this ministry also takes dedicated staff that are committed to working behind the scenes on the transmitters, computers and other equipment vital to our operations. We are thankful for every one of our staff members.  Please pray with us as we will be seeing some changes in our staff this year.  We want to make sure that Christian Family Radio continues to provide the best quality programming to be a help and blessing to all our listeners.  Again, thank you for standing behind this ministry.

Certainly, 2023 was a year where our world was filled with uncertainty and violence as we see scriptural prophecies become very real, and we know that our Lord’s return is more imminent than ever.  At the same time, the one hope we all have is through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which Christian Family Radio has been faithfully declaring for over 52 years.  We want to take this time to thank you, our listeners, for your faithfulness in tuning in, praying for and financially supporting this ministry.  From all of us to you, we pray blessings from the Lord for you in 2024.  Again, from the depths of our hearts, thank you so much for standing behind Christian Family Radio.

Dr. John Paisley, Station Manager, Christian Family Radio

As Christmas approaches, we remember the greatest gift ever given, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Through the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ we may spend eternity with God in Heaven if we only accept this truth. This is the reason the ministry of Christian Family Radio exists. All through the year, we broadcast the good news of the Gospel in word and song, with teaching and programming for the entire family, to reach the lost and help the Christian to grow in their walk with Christ. Thank you so much for your part in this ministry. Your prayers and financial support are vital to our ongoing mission. And, we feel very privileged to keep you in our prayers.

Dr. John Paisley, Station Manager, Christian Family Radio

Thank you so much for your participation and commitment to Christian Family Radio during our 2023 Sharathon, “Old-Fashioned Radio” going beyond our goal with $106,041 committed. We really appreciate Don and Mike Cline hosting this year’s Sharathon.  Those of you that made commitments during the Sharathon will receive a letter showing our records of your commitment soon.  If you were not able to make a commitment during the Sharathon, we still appreciate your support and prayers for Christian Family Radio.  Again, from the depths of our hearts, we are so grateful to all of you that listen to, support and pray for this ministry. 

Dr. John Paisley, Station Manager, Christian Family Radio

Our thanks to all who participated in our 2023 Sharathon, “Old-Fashioned Radio”.  We were able to raise $106,041, exceeding our goal of $100,000, toward our annual operating budget of $126,000 during the Sharathon and are humbled by the sacrificial sacrifice of our listeners!

A special thanks to our co-hosts, Don and Mike Cline and special guest Chuck Harding.  We really appreciate their  many hours of planning and having at least one of them on-air for the entire Sharathon.

You can read more about the Sharathon here