Christian Family Radio Adds New Station in Central Washington
Christian Family Radio’s latest station, brand-new KOLX, on 90.9 and licensed to Warden, WA, signed on February 7, 2025. This station provides coverage to most of Adams county west of Ritzville and into Grant county, reaching Othello, Moses Lake and many of the nearby towns. Large sections of Interstate 90 and State Highway 17 are well-covered by the station as well. Chief Engineer Martin Gibbs, working through his company Broadcast Technical Partners handled filings to authorize the new station and then supervised and took part in construction as part of his larger mission establishing new Christian radio stations across the United States. A quick tour of the listening area yielded nearly uninterrupted service along Interstate 90, thorough Moses Lake, and then following Highway 17 south to the Franklin County line, which is then well-covered by KOLU. Moses Lake, due to it’s terrain and the location of our transmitters, still has some “dead spots”, and we are working on a plan to relocate our translator there to a better location. Stay tuned!

Tower crew installing antenna for KOLX